Mouse mats as advertising material
in high quality
Mr. Mousepad is convincing through the guarantee of perfect production, high quality materials of the printed mouse mats and fast delivery.
Quality mouse mats by the leading manufacturer in detail:
Advertising material in a special shape? No problem for Mr. Mousepad!
We have more than 90 different shapes, which we can offer without any additional costs. All shapes between the dimension of 280 x 400 mm are possible. Do you have any questions regarding the punch shapes or the creation of the files? Please give us a call or send us an e-mail.
“Heart” – shape
Mousepad application examples: calendars,
Shortcut-help, Team-Motivation or organisation tool
A lot of our customers are using the mouse mats in more than just its typical practical function. In some designs for examples, customers print important short-cuts for special office- or software programs. Calendar mouse mats are a big help in organizing all appointments. And as an organization tool, they transport significant information for example for support- and hotline employees. These mouse mats support the team-motivation by displaying global company targets.
Your mouse mat as special promotional gift:,
sticks on all surfaces:
Our “sticky-mouse-mats” are produced with a sticky spot, therefore they stick to all smooth surfaces. They can be replaced easily over and over again and don’t lose there power to stick to surfaces at all. Packed in style with a transparent or white envelope are ideal for your event, meeting or trade fair.
Our Service-Team
We offer you the highest guarantee of production safety. You always get what you order and exactly how the free sample looks like. We exclusively use high-quality materials and offer a fast delivery.
With more than 10.000 customers in whole Europe, Mr. Mousepad is one of the most prestigious Mousepad-manufacturers of the continent. Do you have any questions? Our service-team is always there for you.